Monday, April 23, 2007

The Virginia Tech Shootings

A week after the tragic April 16th shootings at Virginia Tech we are still struggling through the standard array of 'why' questions. The heartbreaking event also provides a spiritual struggle. Why does a loving God allow evil to prevail? Where was God when these promising, innocent lives were taken?

I recently received an e-mail from Priority One Associates with some very good articles that help with these issues. I hope you find them useful ........

Living without an answer

Where is God in the midst of tragedy?

So why do bad things happen?

Doesn’t evil and suffering prove that God doesn’t care?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter Sunday At Chimney Rock

Our family spent a beautiful but cool day visiting Chimney Rock Park in the mountains of North Carolina on Easter Sunday.

Click here to see a few more pictures!

Jesus: Democrat or Republican?

I've seen bumper stickers recently that proclaim 'Jesus is a liberal'. I'm sure there are a decent number of Democrats who think that if Jesus were in the United States today He would be a Democrat. And I'm sure there are the same number of Republicans who are convinced that Jesus is a Republican.

Everybody wants Jesus on their side! But I wonder if people really knew what Jesus said, would they still want Him on their side?!

I think that what both Christians and non-Christians often forget is that Jesus was and is counter cultural!

Click here to read more!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Famous People Follies - Special Edition 1

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!

This famous person created 'New Rules for 2007'. Here they are:

New Rule: Don't eat anything that's served to you out a window unless you're a seagull. People are acting all shocked that a human finger was found in a bowl of Wendy's chili. Hey, it cost less than a dollar. What did you expect it to contain? Lobster?

New Rule: Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: Do you have two of them? Okay, we're done.

New Rule: If you're going to insist on making movies based on crappy, old television shows, then you have to give everyone in the Cineplex a remote so we can see what's playing on the other screens. Let's remember the reason something was a television show in the first place is that the idea wasn't good enough to be a movie.

New Rule: No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes and graduations from rehab. Picking out the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't gift giving, it's the white people version of looting.

Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below.

Hint 1 - April 15th - An American comedian.

Congratulations to Goob from California for correctly identifying this controversial American comedian! See Goob's comment below for the correct answer.