Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blue Collar - White Collar?

Awhile ago I was speaking with a gentleman who is in full time ministry. He is associated with an organization whose objective is to minister to individuals in the work place. He shared with me some information that I found interesting but not surprising.

If you were to compare white collar workers with blue collar workers which group would you expect to be most receptive to the salvation message? (The 'salvation message' is the New Testament message that Jesus died in our place on the cross so that by casting our lot with Him, we can have a relationship with God and spend eternity in heaven after death. Casting our lot with Christ involves faith in Him, a confession of sin, and a decision to follow Him.)

This minister told me that blue collar workers are far more likely to realize their need for Christ and to give their lives to Him than are their white collar counterparts. I asked him what he attributed this difference to and he indicated that since white collar workers generally perceive themselves as being more successful and are generally better off financially, they don't perceive that they need God as much as blue collar workers.

The Bible records the warnings of Moses to the children of Israel before they entered the promised land. Moses warns the Israelites not to forget about God once they enter the promised land and 'become full and prosperous'.

The writer of the the book of Luke records an incident where a prostitute enters a home where Jesus was dining. The prostitute washes Jesus' feet with her tears and pours perfume on them. Jesus contrasts this act of love with the boorish behavior of his well respected and upstanding dinner host. Why did the two respond differently to Jesus? Luke records Jesus words 'she loved me much; but one who is forgiven little, shows little love'. (For scriptures see comments below.) The inference is that those of us who 'have it all together' are less likely to love God and realize our need to have a relationship Him.

I fear for those of my friends who are successful and don't know Jesus. We're so reluctant to seek God's help when we have it all together. And yet we need God so much. The Bible says that our sin separates us from God but in Christ we can have our sins forgiven and enjoy our day to day life in the presence of our Creator. Jesus said 'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly'.

Famous People Follies - Challenge 9

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!

Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below.

Congratulations to the amazing Rus from North Carolina for correctly identifying #15! See comments below for the identity of this football great.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

While The Wife's Away ........

My wife went out of town this weekend with some friends and that left me in charge of our three children. She left on Friday afternoon so that meant that Friday night's dinner was at Friendlies Restaurant. We had hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, a salad and some ice cream.

On Saturday morning the kids fed themselves breakfast and then we brought the twins to a birthday party. We dropped them off at the party and then Hannah and I went to Chillis for lunch. I had a buffalo chicken salad and Hannah had ribs. For dessert we split their delicious chocolate cake with ice cream. For dinner the five of us went to the Chinese food buffet. I had one of everything. The kids ate a hearty meal and then each had two bowls of ice cream. On Sunday morning the kids fed themselves breakfast again. For lunch I cooked steak out on the grill and we ate that with barbecue chips. On tap for dinner tonight? I'm gonna cook up some frozen corn dogs and we'll eat the second half of the bag of barbecue chips.

This is the nourishment that my kids get when mom's away. I would never let my family eat like this on a regular basis but when mom's away this is our way of 'letting our hair down', enjoying a little freedom and independence!

It's interesting that in the Old Testament God appointed holiday's for the children of Israel to observe. There were festivals and celebrations. Many were meant for the Hebrews to remember a historical event or God's works in the past. I believe that God created these events to help the Israelites remember and He used an effective tool: mankind's love of celebration.

The Bible records that Paul wrote to Timothy "For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following." (1 Timothy 4: 4 - 6)

This weekend my children did not get very good nourishment but we had fun! In this scripture Paul encourages Timothy to be nourished on the words of the faith and on sound doctrine. God's will and wisdom and truth are recorded in the Bible. We need to give ourselves a steady diet of that truth! The Bible shows us the way that we can be forgiven of our sins and be reconciled to God. It also teaches us how we can have a close relationship with Jesus.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Famous People Follies - Challenge 8

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
Congratulations to Rus from North Carolina for his continued dominance of Famous People Follies and also for identifying the 1960s musician pictured above! Rus is the only Life Hound reader to correctly identify more than one FPF personality. He's racked up four victories so far. Click comments below to determine this singer's identity.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Yesterday was a great day. I got home from work to a sunny day in the mid 70s! I don't know if this means we're going to have an early spring but it was time to get the hammock out! I love my hammock! I've got it under some trees in my beautiful back yard and there is nothing I love more than taking a nap back there in the shade, relaxing with the kids, or reading a book. There is something about being outside. The wind blowing. The birds chirping. The blue sky. The sound of the kids playing. Reclining in my hammock, considering the goodness of God. I love it!

The beauty of nature is a gift from God and rest was His idea. He worked on creation for six days and then rested on the seventh

In one of the Old Testament Psalms the Israeli king David says '… taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!' (Psalm 34:8)

God is good not only because of creation but also because we have the opportunity to be reconciled to Him and to walk with Him. The Bible records these words of the Apostle John: '...God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.’ (1 John 5: 11 - 13)

The opportunity to spend eternity with God is available to all those who receive Christ into their lives and believe in Him. The journey begins with a simple prayer of faith.

Mulling It Over (Reflections on This Past Sunday's Sermon) # 070311

According to data from a 2001 study there are 2.1 billion people in the world who claim to be Christians. There are 159 million adults in the United States who claim to be 'born again'. That's 75% of the adults who live in the U.S.

But what is a Christian? The term 'Christian' literally means 'little Christs'. It was a term used to describe the early church followers of Christ. They were called 'little Christs' because as people observed their lives, they recognized that these disciples were like Jesus.

The Apostle Paul wrote "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." (Galatians 2:20) Being 'crucified with Christ' means that we put to death our own desires and allow the life of Christ to live through us. It's not easy to do it, but we can, with Jesus' help.

The Bible also says that God is involved in the process of making us into the image of Christ. Paul also wrote "...we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10) Don't misunderstand. Good works don't save us. Good works are the natural outpouring of a life lived 'in Christ'.

Being a Christian isn't a birthright, like being Chinese or French or American. It's a conscious decision to trust Christ, to give your life to Him and then to follow Him!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Famous People Follies - Challenge 7

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
HINT 1 (March 14) - Goofy actor.
Congratulations to Jack from North Carolina for correctly identifying the character, show, and actor! You're no Rus but you have potential! : ) See comments below for correct answer.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Famous People Follies - Challenge 6

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this 'famous' person?! If so, add a comment below!
HINT 1 (March 2) O.K. Maybe this guy is borderline famous. He's a professional athlete.
HINT 2 (March 5) He's in the NFL.
HINT 3 (March 10) He plays for the Carolina Panthers!
Congratulations to Vol in Carolina for correctly identifying this Panthers field goal kicker. See comment below for correct answer.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Have The Bones of Jesus Been Found?

This picture is of the ossuary of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was a high priest from 18 to 37 A.D. and is notorious for his role in the trial of Jesus. An ossuary is a bone box where human remains are placed after substantial decomposition has taken place.

Ossuaries are in the news these days because of a Discovery Channel documentary to be aired this evening. In the documentary the film makers will claim that they have found an ossuary which belongs to Jesus of Nazareth. The implication is that Jesus physical body died and was not resurrected.

If you'd like to learn more about these archaeological finds and what critics are saying about them check out these two postings on 'Life Hound - Deep Dive Dog' .....

Ossuaries, Film Makers, Characters, and Martyrs

The Jesus Family Tomb and Speculative History

Friday, March 02, 2007

Rational Responders # 23 - Premise 3

The Santals' decision to turn away from the Genuine God, Thakur Jiu, is further described by Santal sage Kolean in Lars Skrefsrud's Traditions and Institutions of the Santal published in 1887. According to Skrefsrud, Kolean said ...
"In the beginning, we did not have gods. The ancient ancestors obeyed Thakur only. After finding other gods, day by day we forgot Thakur more and more until only His name remained. In this present age it is said by some that the sun god is Thakur. Therefore, when there are religious ceremonies ...[some people] look up to the sun... and speak unto Thakur. But the forefathers taught us that Thakur is distinct. He is not to be seen with fleshly eyes, but he sees all. He has created all things. He has set everything in its place, and he nourishes all, great and small."
The discovery by Skrefsrud and Borreson of the Santal oral tradition about Thakur Jiu is more evidence of God's revelation of himself to mankind.