Saturday, March 17, 2007

Famous People Follies - Challenge 8

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
Congratulations to Rus from North Carolina for his continued dominance of Famous People Follies and also for identifying the 1960s musician pictured above! Rus is the only Life Hound reader to correctly identify more than one FPF personality. He's racked up four victories so far. Click comments below to determine this singer's identity.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

A little more detail on Chubby from Wikipedia .......

"Chubby Checker is the stage name of Ernest Evans (born October 3, 1941), an American singer best known for popularizing the dance The Twist with his 1960 song "The Twist".

He was born in Spring Gulley, South Carolina,[1] and raised in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended South Philadelphia High School with Frankie Avalon and Fabian. The wife of American Bandstand's host Dick Clark suggested the name "Chubby Checker" to Evans as a take-off on then-popular singer Fats Domino. In 1964, he married Dutchwoman Catharina Lodders, who had been Miss World in 1962."