Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lessons From Clark W. Griswold - Episode 1

One of my favorite Christmas movies, 'Christmas Vacation' (not for the kids), tells the story of Clark Griswold's attempt to create the perfect family Christmas reunion. In one of the movie's subplots Clark sets out to decorate the exterior of the house with Christmas lights. Subconsciously he's getting out of the house to avoid his obnoxious, visiting, extended family members. Deep down inside, though, he wants a beautifully decorated house to enhance their Christmas experience.
The resulting, gaudily decorated house requires Clark's town to fire up the back up nuclear generator in order to supply enough power to feed the thousands of lights.
Clark's noble effort is undermined because he is unaware of a single switch that is holding back power from the lights. His house is covered in lights, but he can't get them to illuminate! Clark loses his temper in front of his family members when he lets out his frustration by beating the crap out of the plastic Santa and reindeer in his front yard.
Eventually the challenge is overcome and the entire family communes in the front yard to enjoy the display. Clark's father-in-law mentions that 'the little tiny lights aren't blinking', but Clark graciously responds with 'I know that Art and thank you for noticing'. Nothing will spoil Clark's victory!
Plausibility is the appeal of Christmas Vacation. When you watch Clark's temper tantrum or notice his desire to please his family members, you can probably relate to a similar experience in your own life. Some of us are 'pleasers'. Some of us are always trying to please someone. Some of us work hard at pleasing God.
Ironically, the Bible says that we please God by trusting Him. It says '... without faith it is impossible to please Him (God) , for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him'. You will never be able to live a life good enough to be pleasing to God, your only hope is to begin trusting Him. You've got to put all of your faith in Jesus, that His voluntary death on the cross, in our place, gives us the ability to have a relationship with the hound of heaven.
Question of the Day - Are you trying to please God or have you put your trust in Him?
(Share your answer by clicking 'comments' below.)


Anonymous said...

Jesus sacrificial death on the cross for me, is enough to reconcile me to God. There is nothing I can add to that.
If and when I try to please Him, it is in response to His love for me. Just like little children like to do things to please their parents and make them proud of them, that is how it is with me. I feel good, when I am able to please God, my Heavenly Father!

Rob said...

You're mining gold Cally! I know your kids and can't imagine that they would do anything to make you proud! : ) Merry Christmas!