Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mouth In Motion Before Brain in Gear - 1

* Newsweek front page: 'After Bush, How to Restore America's Place in the World'. How's that for objective news reporting?

* Newsweek front page. What about those of us that think he's doing a good job?

* National headline: 'Stupid Republican Candidates Don't Believe In Evolution'. Give me a break. It's not like they're doubting the Law of Gravity. Macro evolution has never been observed!

* I sure could go for some Cookie Crisp.

* I wonder if Cookie Crisp would pay me to type that?

* Science headline: 'Neptune's Climate is Getting Warmer'. Uh oh! Could global warming be caused by increased solar activity on the sun? (No humans to blame on Neptune.)

* Boston Bank of America employees mistaken distorted fax for bomb threat. Branch evacuated. Bank at Wachovia. They're smarter.

* I sure could go for a Dove bar.

* I wonder if Dove would pay me to type that?

* Latest bandwagon: Going Green. lifehound is a 'green' blog. (I've got a booger dripping out of my nose.) [Bugger corrected to booger 6/13. Thanks Rus.]

* Mini Coopers. Very cool with a bunch of personality.

* Season finale of Lost. Jack and Freckles back in the U.S. I guess they get rescued. Any more reason to watch? 30 episodes to go.

* ABC calls bachelor Andrew Baldwin an 'officer and a gentleman' and then shows him making out with half of the women on the show. (Not that I've ever watched it.)

* At least he picked Tessa. (Really, I've never watched it!)


Unknown said...

Three comments:

You mean there are people who still think he's doing a good job? And you're one of them?

I'll second the Mini Cooper statement! The Cooper S is even better.

I suppose spell check won't help you here, but it's spelled "B-O-O-G-E-R". Here's a mnemonic where we switch some consonants to help: "My brother Goober picked a big..." oh...never mind.

(Sorry John, but you teased me about Curt Schilling).

Anonymous said...

Overall I think he's doing a good job related to the critical issues: abortion, Supreme Court appointments, stem cell research, war on terror, Iraq, tax relief, not having affairs with young interns, etc. Although I don't agree with all of his positions, i.e. amnesty for illegal aliens.

Thanks for the assistance with the spelling of booger! Should have known you were the expert in that area! : )

Anonymous said...

I just re-read and corrected the booger deal. Can't believe I had 'bugger'! That was a fatigue induced brain fart. Thanks again Rus!

Unknown said... least you're open-minded on the Bush thing...seriously. Sound bites from hopeful politicians are nothing more than that. Ted Koppel had a commentary on NPR the other day where he talked about how we will be in Iraq another decade. Voters should realize this when thinking some presidential hopeful has a silver bullet that will have us out in the first 100 days in office.

Anonymous said...

That was snot funny!