Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where Is The Evidence?

My family spends a fair amount of time at Hodges Dairy Farm (pictured right) in Charlotte. Whenever there I'm often struck by the beauty of God's creation. The Apostle Paul said 'the heavens declare the glory of God'. Unfortunately many don't make the connection because they've been taught a naturalistic view of the origin of earth and life. Yet this view has no hard evidence to support it ...
"We are told dogmatically that Evolution is an established fact; but we are never told who has established it, and by what means. We are told , often enough, that the doctrine is founded upon evidence, and that indeed this evidence 'is henceforward above all verification, as well as being immune from any subsequent contradiction by experience'; but we are left entirely in the dark on the crucial question wherein, precisely, this evidence consists." - John Wolfgang Smith
- John Wolfgang Smith. Mathematician and physicist. Oregon State University. Teilhardism and The New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of the The Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Tan Books & Publishers, Inc., page 2.

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