Saturday, November 25, 2006

God Uses People - My Brother Goob - Episode 1

It was in rustic cabin one at Camp Tispaquin that I sat with my camp counselor and prayed to ask Jesus to come into my life. As a first grader I had no idea of the ramifications of this milestone day of faith in Christ.

But my older brother Goob (pictured right), the sports director at the camp, sure did. On my first day back home after camp he burst into my bedroom and shared his excitement about my decision for Jesus.

This began a 12 year period where the hound of heaven used my brother to teach me what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. This involved road trips where he drove and instructed me to read portions of Scripture and loving admonitions when I too closely adopted sinful behavior. But mostly it was an extended period of time when my brother just reflected the love of Christ by spending quality time with me, loving and encouraging me.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing that story is! Thank God for people who are willing to teach, lead, and disciple new believers. It is ALL of our responsibilities to do these things for others. If we are grateful for God using someone that way in our lives, how can we not do the same for someone else? I don't do enough--it's not enough for me to just teach my children. I need to be reaching out to younger women, youth, EVERYBODY. We can't just thank Him for what someone else did in our lives, and then hide our own light under a bushel! Tammy K

Anonymous said...

Dear Dad,

Even though I have never been to camp, I can't wait to go to TVR. I think how you got saved was really cool. And I hope that I will help someone to get saved when I'm at camp.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very important to have someone in our lives to help us along with our journey toward a real relationship with God. To me it can mean the difference between just being a believer or being a follower of Christ. We are human and we need God revealed to us through the people around us to make it real.

Anonymous said...