Friday, November 24, 2006

I Want My Mommy

This is me, in a tent, at age 12! I'll never forget this summer. I'd signed up for a two month mission trip. A huge bus picked me and a bunch of teenagers up in Hartford, Connecticut. They drove us down to Merritt Island, Florida for two weeks of training at a mosquito infested boot camp. I'd been away from my family for a week at the most but this was my first full summer away from home.

When I arrived at boot camp I was assigned a tent with three other teenage guys. I'll never forget that first night laying in my sleeping bag in the dark. My 'tent mates' were joking around and talking but I was nearly in tears. I wanted my mommy! I felt scared and lonely.

But I was not alone! The Bible says that the hound of heaven is with us all the time and knows us all intimately. Check out this prayer recorded in Psalms 139: 'O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.'

God is interested in you and wants to have a relationship with you. He loves you but your sin stands between you and Him. Confess that sin and turn your life over to Jesus. Get to know God. He knows and loves you!


Anonymous said...

In a situation like that a lot of us put on the brave face, because we would not want those around us to see how scared we are. As a sinner, seperated from God, we all tried to put on the brave face or felt God could not forgive us for the horrible sins we commited. But the Word of God tells us that if we'll CONFESS our sins, ask for forgiveness, and BELIEVE on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, he is faithfull to forgive and FORGET are sins, and accept us as his children. May this thought bring comfort to those who already know Christ as Lord and may the Holy Spirit bring conviction to those who are scared.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dad,

I believe that God is with me and that I am not alone. When I go to college I will write to you every week. And I will never think I am alone. Last Sunday, 11/26/06, we learned at Studio Kids that God is with you wherever you go.

Anonymous said...


That reminds of when Caleb went to camp for a week. It was just me, Josh, mom and you. When he got back everyone was asking him all sorts of questions about: what did you do? How did you like it? Did you have fun? I got bored after hearing all that stuff. But then he was done and I went back to normal stuff.

Anonymous said...
