Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lessons From Clark W. Griswold - Episode 5

In the hilarious movie 'Christmas Vacation' (not for the kids), the main plot revolves around Clark Griswold foolishly spending a huge amount of money for an 'in ground' pool, in anticipation of his annual Christmas bonus. Unknown to Clark, however, is his boss's decision to cut company costs by eliminating Christmas bonuses and replacing them with a much cheaper membership in the 'Jelly of the Month' club.

When Clark is informed that he won't be receiving the normal, huge, cash bonus, he loses his cool and tells his family that all he wants for Christmas is revenge against his boss. Clark's moronic cousin, Eddie, takes the request literally, kidnaps, and wraps Clark's boss as a Christmas present. In spite of the outrageous confrontation, the lesson is not lost on Clark's boss, who surprisingly admits that the cost saving measure doesn't feel so good after he sees how it affects 'the little people'.

Matters get worse when Clark's boss's wife shows up to heap further condemnation on the cheapskate. Genuinely sorry for being a skinflint, Clark's boss confesses: 'I was wrong' and promises to double Clark's bonus.

The repentance is warmly portrayed in the movie. The boss's genuine soul searching and admission of wrong doing is admirable. It's refreshing, I think, because real repentance and public confession is so rare in our culture.

The Bible says that all humans have sinned against God and that our sin has resulted in a broken relationship with our Creator. It goes on to say that we should have proper sorrow for our sin accompanied by repentance and regret. When we admit to God our sin and ask for His forgiveness, we become inheritors of God's salvation and forgiveness.

The Bible says: '...the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.' In spite of your sin, the hound of heaven loves you and wants to have a relationship with you!


Anonymous said...

The Bible Verse: 2Cr 7:10 Let us all pray for the Godly correction the Church at Corinth received to draw us closer to God.

Anonymous said...

Amen Jack. The Godly correction described by Paul was accompanied by his love for the church, verse 3: 'I do not speak to condemn you, for I have said before that you are in our hearts to die together and to live together'. It was also accompanied by his encouragement of the church (see verse 7). This would be an excellent topic of our prayers!