Saturday, January 20, 2007

Rational Responders # 9 - Premise 2

"It is the sheer universality of perfection, the fact that everywhere we look, to whatever depth we look, we find an elegance and ingenuity of an absolutely transcending quality, which so mitigates against the idea of chance." - Michael Denton Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

The primary focus of my comments under premise 2 will relate to
biological adaptations seen in living organisms and how these perfect, useful biological components are evidence for an ingenious, powerful, creator God. Much of the material that I will share on this topic comes from chapter 14 of Michael Denton's excellent book Evolution: A Theory In Crisis. (Adler & Adler, 1985.) I will share descrip- tions of a sampling of the biological adaptations described in chapter 14 which Denton aptly titled 'The Puzzle of Perfect'.

For example, Denton describes the extremely complex mammalian brain which has an incredible number of connecting fibres used to connect nerve cells within the brain. The total number of connections is a thousand million million. The brain is an ingenious and powerful biological adaptation.

Donald DeYoung said the brain has the "the greatest concentration of chemo-neurological order and complexity in the physical universe. It is a video camera and library, a computer and communication center, all in one. And the more the brain is used the better it becomes! A detailed picture of the human brain is slowly emerging, the origin of which seems entirely beyond comprehension from a naturalistic point of view. We see remarkable purpose and interdependence within the brain—every part works for the benefit of the whole."

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