Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Rational Responders # 6 - Premise 1

The problem of the existence of complex organisms in a world where the natural tendency of things is from a state of order to disorder is noted in Ravi Zacharias' book The Shattered Visage:

"...how do biological systems climb the ladder of intricacy and order, while the natural world descends to entropy and disorder? Scientists have attempted to deal with this conundrum in their studies in dissipative structures, which show that biological organisms maintain their structure at the expense of
the system, returning heat to the environment. However, as other scientists point out, this still does not explain nor answer the question of how it was that such highly ordered systems as living organisms could ever have come into existence in a world in which irreversible processes always tend to lead to an increase in entropy and thus, to disorder."

Zacharias then goes on to describe a seminar that he sat in under eminent theoretical physicist John Polkinghorne (a colleague of Stephen Hawking). Polkinghorne was "... commenting on the built-in factors within this universe, with particular reference to Quantum Theory, he said, with a grin, 'There is no free lunch. Somebody has to pay, and only God has the resources to put in what was needed to get what we've got.' " (Pages 41 and 44, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., Brentwood, Tennessee, 1990.)

Only God has the resources to generate the level of complexity observable in the universe!

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