Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The God Who Is Waiting - # 3

I recently read in my Bible about King Rehoboam (of Judah). The writer of 2nd Chronicles says "... when Rehoboam was at the height of his popularity and power he abandoned the Lord, and the people followed him in this sin." (2 Chronicles 12:1) As my son Joshua likes to say 'typical, typical, typical'. We (I) are so much like Rehoboam. When things are going great in our lives we 'abandon the Lord'. We fill our 'time and attention vacuum' with the blessings of life and put God in the back seat. We forget about Him. But then, when something goes wrong, we cry out to God.
Our nation behaves the same way. In an effort to be inclusive we try to sanitize our country by removing God. We can't mention Him in the public schools or in the public forum, but as soon as a national crisis occurs our leaders ask us to pray to God for His help. During the Cuban missile crisis President Kennedy encouraged Americans to go to church and pray for the nation. (Pictured is President Kennedy with pilots who flew reconaissance missions over Cuba.) After 9/11 President Bush called for a national day of prayer.
Fortunately, God does not hold this immaturity against us. 2nd Chronicles records that Rehoboam had a period of repentance. The historian records "When the king humbled himself, the Lord's anger was turned aside". (2 Chronicles 12:12) The Bible teaches that God is patient, kind, and gracious. He sent His Son Jesus down to earth to die on the cross, in our place, as payment for our sins. The Hound of Heaven always pursues us. Have you given your life to Him?

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