Monday, December 18, 2006

Lessons From Clark W. Griswold - Episode 2 - The Allure of Sin

At the beginning of the Christmas classic, 'Christmas Vacation' (not for the kids), Clark Griswold encounters an obnoxious driver and experiences a bit of road rage. The protagonists are having fun with Clark until he gives them the 'one finger salute', then things get serious. Clark's 'revenge' nearly kills his whole family.

The human foibles present in Christmas Vacation are common to all of us, and, as stated in episode 1, I think that's the appeal of the movie. We can relate to the retaliation via obscene gesture, perfectionism, revenge, over spending, anger, lust, and pride depicted in the movie. It's these human shortcomings that stand between us and the holy, perfect God who created us.

Our reactionary sin stands in contrast to our Creator, who is holy and won't allow sin into His presence. And yet our ability to understand the holiness of God and to realize how we suffer in comparison, is the first step in having a relationship with Him and obtaining His forgiveness. The truth is, we need Jesus, and until we have Him, we are lost! The hound of heaven sent His Son to mend that broken relationship.


Anonymous said...

I like the use of Clark Griswold as a comparison. The "sins" evidenced in the movie are all too common for most of us to ignore. It is hard not to relate to what we see in Clark. The follow up of an offer of a loving caring God to forgive those sins is appealing.

Rob said...

Hi Chris. Great to see your footprints on my blog! Hope you guys had a great Christmas!