Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rational Responders # 22 - Premise 3

In the previous Rational Responders posting I wrote about two Norwegian missionaries who in the mid 1800s discovered an oral tradition among the Santal people of India about a Genuine God named Thakur Jiu. This oral tradition was told to the missionaries by a Santal sage named Kolean. In addition to the Adam and Eve type account mentioned in the previous posting, Kolean also recounted how the descendants of this first created pair had become corrupted.

According to the tradition, as recited by Kolean, Thakur Jiu decided to eliminate mankind with a flood but rescued a 'holy pair' in a cave on Mount Harata (a name similar to Mount Ararat [pictured above], the final resting place of Noah's ark).

Kolean explained that the descendants of the 'holy pair' multiplied and Thakur Jiu split them into many different people groups. One of these groups migrated eastward but were prevented from continuing because of a group of impassable mountains.

Becoming discouraged at their plight it was at this time that the ancestors of the Santal turned away from Thakur Jiu and made an oath to the evil spirits of the mountains. They would practice spirit appeasement if the spirits would allow them to pass through the mountains. Shortly after, the travelers found a pass through the mountains and entered the plains of present day Pakistan and India. Because of their oath the Santal people began practicing spirit appeasement, sun worship, and sorcery and turned away from Thakur Jiu.

(The account of this Santal oral tradition is described in Don Richardson's book Eternity in Their Hearts, Regal Books, Ventura, CA, 1984, pages 43 and 44.)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Rational Responders # 21 - Premise 3

In additional to the Incan tradition of Viracocha, there were some Norwegian missionaries in Asia who in the mid 1800s discovered an oral tradition about an omnipotent God among the Santal people living in India. In the book Eternity In Their Hearts Don Richardson tells the story of missionaries Lars Skrefsrud (pictured left) and Hans Borreson who lived among the Santal people in order to learn their language.
Once they learned the Santal language they were ready to share with the Santal people the Biblical account of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection for the salvation of mankind.
Richardson indicates that upon hearing the story of Christ the Santal people were 'electrified' by the Biblical narrative. A Santal sage named Kolean exclaimed "What this stranger is saying must mean that Thakur Jiu has not forgotten us after all this time!" Skrefsrud was astonished at the remark. 'Thakur Jiu' in the Santal language means 'Genuine God'. Kolean went on to explain that the Santal had an oral tradition about the Genuine God.
According to that tradition this God had created the first man and woman and placed them in a region far to the west of India. There they were tempted to make rice beer and pour a portion of it on the ground as an offering to Satan. They became drunk on the rest of the beer and fell asleep. When they woke up they realized that they were naked and felt ashamed. (Summarized from Eternity in Their Hearts, Regal Books, Ventura, CA, 1984, pages 41 - 43.)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Stirring The Pot

Back in the mid 80s I worked in a church youth club. As Halloween approached one year the club leaders decided to have a 'Halloween' party for the kids. Being careful not to endorse the pagan holiday and wanting to avoid ghosts, vampires, and witches, the children and leaders were instructed to dress up as Biblical characters.

The supervisor who came up with that guideline must have forgotten about the Old Testament story in which King Saul approaches a witch to obtain guidance from the dead prophet Samuel. The many Biblical references to Satan must have also slipped his mind. Of course back in those days I was much more willing to 'stir the pot'. In this picture you can see my choice of a Biblical character.

This reminds me of a letter that I read a few years ago in one of those 'cute letters that kids write to God' books....

'Dear God, On Holloween I am going to wear a Devil's costume. Is that all right with you? Signed, Marnie'.

Marnie's desire to consult with God before making decisions is an admirable step to take. God is interested in our lives and has a will for mankind. What is that will?

The Bible says that '... as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.' (John 1:12-13)

God wants us to give our lives to Him. It is His will that we become His children. We do that by confessing our sins and trusting that Jesus paid the consequences for our sins, in our place, when He died on the cross for us. As the Apostle Paul says in the book of Romans we must 'confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead'. This is the first step in having a relationship with Christ.

Famous People Follies - Challenge 5

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person and why they are famous. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
HINT 1 (2/24/07) - This famous person is known for flamboyantly tickling the old 88s.
Congratulations to Rus from North Carolina for correctly identifying this colorful pianist! Rus' knowledge of effeminate piano players is only exceeded by his knowledge of Filipino women! See comment below for the correct answer.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Famous People Follies - Challenge 4

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person and why they are famous. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
Congratulations to Rus from North Carolina for correctly identifying this famous actor. See comments below for correct identity!

Famous People Follies - Challenge 3

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
HINT 1 (posted 2/19/07) - O.K. This may be a tough one. This leader was know for his cruelty. He got his kicks by dropping dogs off the Kremlin wall.
HINT 2 (posted 2/20/07) This guy was a Russian Czar.
Congratulations to Randy Z from North Carolina for correctly identifying this Russian historical figure! Check out his comment below for the correct answer.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Rational Responders # 20 - Side Note

The map to the left depicts the migration of Indians across the Bering Strait, down through North America, and into South America. It is widely accepted that during the ice age a land bridge appeared between what is now Russia and Alaska. Travelers crossed that land bridge, likely following food (buffalo?). So the 'Indians' that were found by the Europeans in North and South America originally came to the Americas across the Bering Strait. By looking at the map you can see how the Incan civilization of western South America had their origin in the people group that migrated across the Bering Strait.
Historians generally believe that human civilization began either in Mesopotamia (near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) or in Africa. Assuming that civilization began in Mesopotamia, it is believed that humans spread out across the Middle East, into Asia, and eventually across the Bering straight into the Americas.
Since humanity has a common origin in a creator God, it is reasonable to conclude that a memory of that creator God might be present in the traditions of peoples as they spread across the earth. That is the essence of premise 3.

The Question of Evil

Are men inherently evil or are men basically good?
According to radio talk show host Neal Boortz men are inherently evil:
"A lot of people can't be convinced that some people are inherently evil. We like to buy the lie that most people are basically good and that if we were only nice to them or listened to their grievances, that they'll be nice back to us. We try and domesticate Islamic terrorists...legitimize them by trying to negotiate with them. There's only one problem: it doesn't work."
What does the Bible say about the nature of man? The Bible records that the Apostle Paul said: ".... I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Rational Responders # 19 - Premise 3

In installment 18 we noted that Incan leader Pachacuti (in approximately 1450 A.D.) abandoned the worship of a sun god to worship Viracocha. The University of Oklahoma's Dr. B.C. Brundage summarizes Pachacuti's description of the omnipotent God Viracocha as follows ....
"He is ancient, remote, supreme, and uncreated. Nor does he need the gross satisfaction of a consort. He manifests himself as a trinity when he wishes,...otherwise only heavenly warriors and archangels surround his loneliness. He created all peoples by his 'word', as well as all huacas [spirits]. He is man's Fortunus, ordaining his years and nourishing him. He is indeed the very principle of life, for he warms the folk through his created son, Punchao. He is a bringer of peace and an orderer. He is in his own being blesssed and has pity on men's wretchedness. He alone judges and absolves them and enables them to combat their evil tendencies."
Pachacuti found the one true God and abandoned the false gods of his own culture. He was able to do so because the testimony of the true God could be found in his culture's ancient hymns and oral traditions.
(Pictured are Machu Picchu, the last great Incan fortress and a map of South American indicating the extent of the Incan Empire at the height of its power.)
[Much of the material under premise 3 comes from the excellent book Eternity In Their Hearts written by Don Richardson, Regal Books, Venture, California, 1984.]

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rational Responders # 18 - Premise 3

The great Inca civilization of South America was ruled from 1438 to 1471 A.D. by Pachacuti (or Pachacutec). The drawing to the left is a 1615 portrayal of Pachacuti. The Incas had no writing system but their oral traditions and hymns were passed down through the centuries and later recorded by chroniclers and missionaries.
In 1575 Cristobel de Molia recorded Incan hymns and their associated traditions in the Inca language. These traditions trace back to the reign of Pachacuti. A 17th century Indian chronicler by the name of Yamqui Salcamayga Pachacuti also preserved a hymn from this time period.
These hymns reveal that Pachacuti abandoned Incan worship of the sun god Inti in order to worship an omnipotent God by the name of Viracocha. There is a shrine to Viracocha in the upper Vilcanota Valley and the hymns reveal that Pachacuti's father claimed to receive counsel from Viracocha. Viracocha told Pachacuti's father that he was the Creator of all things.
What are the qualities and attributes of Virocacha as revealed by these Incan hymns and traditions? That will be the topic of my next posting.

Famous People Follies - Challenge 2

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!
Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!
Congratulations to Goob from California for correctly identifying the famous athlete pictured in this posting! See comments below for answer.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rational Responders # 17 - Premise 3

The purpose of this series is to list supporting premises for the conclusion: there is a God, God is involved in the world, and God wants to have a relationship with us. If you go back to read the postings on premise one you'll learn how the Second Law of Thermodynamics points to a powerful and intelligent being who must be responsible for the order present in the universe. The second premise deals with complex biological adaptations and how their existence in nature alludes to an ingenious creator God.
Up to this point I've provided an argument for the existence of a powerful, intelligent, ingenious creator God. The question then remains, what type of God is this? Is this God an impersonal deity who created the universe like a clock, wound it up, and has walked away to work on another project? Or is God involved and interested in His creation? Has this God revealed Himself in the universe in a specific way? Has this God revealed Himself to living creatures on Earth?
There is evidence that God has, in fact, revealed himself in a specific way to human cultures throughout the world. The concept of a supreme God has existed for centuries in people groups on every continent. These traditions are in some cases documented and in other cases passed down through oral tradition. Under premise three we will examine instances where the supreme God has revealed himself to mankind.

Famous People Follies - Challenge 1

Rules of the game: A picture of a famous person is posted on Life Hound. The winner of the challenge is the first person who posts a comment below correctly identifying the famous person. The winner will in some way be honored on Life Hound. If a few days go by and the famous person hasn't been identified. I will add hints to the posting until we have a winner!

Can you identify this famous person?! If so, add a comment below!

February 11 - Congratulations to Rus from North Carolina! Rus' knowledge of Filipino women is astounding! See comments for answer.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Rational Responders # 16 - Premise 2

In this series under premise 2 we have examined some of the ingenious, perfect biological adaptions present in living organisms. I've stated that these incredible, useful machine-like components suggest an intelligent, powerful machine Maker. I believe we can see the awesome, creative skill of God in examining these biological adaptations.
David was a king of Israel who reigned from 1005 BC until around 965 BC. David is known for his great bravery and faith and also his complete love of God. His beautiful prayers are recorded in the book of Psalms. Listen to David's prayer recorded in Psalm 27, verses 4 - 6:
"The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his Temple, living in his presence every day of my life, delighting in his incomparable perfections and glory. There I'll be when troubles come. He will hide me. He will set me on a high rock out of reach of all my enemies. Then I will bring him sacrifices and sing his praises with much joy."
Even David, 3000 years ago, was able to enjoy God's "incomparable perfections" and realize that this powerful Creator was concerned about him and could protect him in times of trouble.
(Pictured are David and Goliath by Caravaggio and Michelangelo's David.)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rational Responders # 15 - Premise 2

In Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Michael Denton mentions the machine like qualities of biological components ....
"According to Paley, we would never infer in the case of a machine, such as a watch, that its design was due to natural processes such as the wind and rain; rather, we would be obliged to postulate a watchmaker. Living things are similar to machines, exhibiting the same sort of adaptive complexity and we must, therefore, infer by analogy that their design is also the result of intelligent activity....The conclusion may have religious implications, but it does not depend on religious presuppositions." pages 339 and 341
The amazing, ingenious, useful biological adaptations examined in premise 2, such as the eye or the brain, allude to an ingenious, powerful, creator God!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rational Responders # 14 - Premise 2

Under premise 2 we have looked at a small sampling of the ingenious biological adaptations observable in nature as described by Michael Denton. We discussed the brain, the eye, cells, insect and human legs, and DNA. These complex, incredible components couldn't be the result of chance. Denton addresses this issue in Evolution: A Theory In Crisis .......

"It is the sheer universality of perfection
, the fact that everywhere we look, to whatever depth we look, we find an elegance and ingenuity of an absolutely transcending quality, which so mitigates against the idea of chance. Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which - a functional protein or gene - is complex beyond our own creative capacities, a reality which is the very antithesis of chance, which excels in every sense anything produced by the intelligence of man?" (Published by Adler & Adler, 1985, page 342.)

The clear answer is a resounding 'NO'. These incredible perfections couldn't have arisen from chance. Even man has yet to produce a computer as powerful as the brain or a storage mechanism as efficient as DNA. So there must be a supernatural, creative presence in the universe more reliable than chance and more powerful and intelligent than man!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rational Responders # 13 - Premise 2

Another 'problem' of living organisms overcome by ingenious biological adaptation is the problem of data storage and retrieval. How is an organism's design documented? Michael Denton discusses the genius of DNA in 'The Puzzle of Perfection', a chapter in his book Evolution: A Theory In Crisis ....

"A chemical solution to the problem of information storage has, of course, been solved in living things by exploiting the properties of the long chain-like DNA polymers in which cells store their hereditary information. It is a superbly economical solution. The capacity of DNA to store information vastly exceeds that of any oth
er known system: it is so efficient that all the information needed to specify an organism as complex as man weighs less than a few thousand millionths of a gram. The information necessary to specify the design of all the species of organisms which have ever existed on the planet, a number according to G. G. Simpson of approximately one thousand million, could be held in a teaspoon and there would still be room left for all the information in every book ever written." (Adler & Adler, 1985, page 334.)

DNA is another example of an amazing, useful biological adaptation that sheds light on an ingenious, powerful, creator God.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Rational Responders # 12 - Premise 2

My children are two boys and a girl ages 10, 10, and 8. I was surprised this past Christmas when it was my daughter who asked for a remote control car ... which she got. I get a kick out of watching her play with it, driving the thing around the kitchen floor, crashing it into my feet. Those gizmos are fun to watch.

Over the past few years Americans have been intrigued by the space missions to Mars as the Mars rover rolls across the surface exploring the planet. Years ago the Soviets developed a similar lunar exploratory machine named Lunakod.

Planetary explorers, lunar rovers, and remote control cars with wheels have limitations. They require a relatively flat surface and are not always able to spin around in position, like a soldier doing an 'about face'. However there are living organisms that are capable of climbing over virtually any type of surface. You've likely seen humans climbing up the face of a cliff, cockroaches running across your ceiling, or ants climbing up a wall carrying a crumb.

A gentleman by the name of Marc Raibert founded the MIT Leg Lab in 1980. The MIT Leg Lab developed the first robots that were able to mimic human walking. Raibert also created a robot capable of flipping itself in an aerial somersault and landing on its feet.

The amount of technology required to overcome the problem of traversing uneven terrain is astounding and instills in the careful observer a sense of awe at the ingenuity present in the legs of humans, animals, and insects. In Michael Denton's book Evolution: A Theory In Crisis Denton states that "The control mechanisms necessary to coordinate the motion of articulated legs are far more complicated than might be imagined at first sight." In 1983 the magazine Scientific American quoted M Raibert and I Sutherland as saying that "It is clear that very sophisticated computer-control programs will be important component of machines that smoothly crawl, walk or run."
And yet we observe, in nature, organisms that CAN crawl walk and run.

My two sons were born premature by 14 weeks. They spent week after week after week in the hospital and I was frequently asking the doctors about their development and what type or problems they may have being premature.

I'll never forget a conversation that I had with one doctor while asking him about when my sons would crawl and walk. He said: "Your boys will walk when they are programmed to walk". The ability to walk is sophisticated and complex and it requires a control program. If there is ingenuity and if there is a program, there must be an ingenious programmer. That programmer is our powerful, creator God.