Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Rational Responders # 19 - Premise 3

In installment 18 we noted that Incan leader Pachacuti (in approximately 1450 A.D.) abandoned the worship of a sun god to worship Viracocha. The University of Oklahoma's Dr. B.C. Brundage summarizes Pachacuti's description of the omnipotent God Viracocha as follows ....
"He is ancient, remote, supreme, and uncreated. Nor does he need the gross satisfaction of a consort. He manifests himself as a trinity when he wishes,...otherwise only heavenly warriors and archangels surround his loneliness. He created all peoples by his 'word', as well as all huacas [spirits]. He is man's Fortunus, ordaining his years and nourishing him. He is indeed the very principle of life, for he warms the folk through his created son, Punchao. He is a bringer of peace and an orderer. He is in his own being blesssed and has pity on men's wretchedness. He alone judges and absolves them and enables them to combat their evil tendencies."
Pachacuti found the one true God and abandoned the false gods of his own culture. He was able to do so because the testimony of the true God could be found in his culture's ancient hymns and oral traditions.
(Pictured are Machu Picchu, the last great Incan fortress and a map of South American indicating the extent of the Incan Empire at the height of its power.)
[Much of the material under premise 3 comes from the excellent book Eternity In Their Hearts written by Don Richardson, Regal Books, Venture, California, 1984.]

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