Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rational Responders # 17 - Premise 3

The purpose of this series is to list supporting premises for the conclusion: there is a God, God is involved in the world, and God wants to have a relationship with us. If you go back to read the postings on premise one you'll learn how the Second Law of Thermodynamics points to a powerful and intelligent being who must be responsible for the order present in the universe. The second premise deals with complex biological adaptations and how their existence in nature alludes to an ingenious creator God.
Up to this point I've provided an argument for the existence of a powerful, intelligent, ingenious creator God. The question then remains, what type of God is this? Is this God an impersonal deity who created the universe like a clock, wound it up, and has walked away to work on another project? Or is God involved and interested in His creation? Has this God revealed Himself in the universe in a specific way? Has this God revealed Himself to living creatures on Earth?
There is evidence that God has, in fact, revealed himself in a specific way to human cultures throughout the world. The concept of a supreme God has existed for centuries in people groups on every continent. These traditions are in some cases documented and in other cases passed down through oral tradition. Under premise three we will examine instances where the supreme God has revealed himself to mankind.

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